ROC-POPLife Final Event
10 December 2021
The project is coming to an end and we would like to share with you the efforts and results achieved by the whole partnership and those who have followed us. They have been years of hard work but full of satisfaction and fruitful for the concrete restoration actions carried out in the MPAs of Miramare […]
Gardeners of the sea
1 May 2021
A day of concrete restoration actions in Miramare In #Miramare, spring is a time for gardening and new plantings not only in the Castle’s Botanical Park: today is a great day for the “sea gardeners” of the ROCPopLife project, who are about to transplant the “seedlings” (juveniles) of Cystoseira algae cultivated in the laboratories of […]
ROC-POPLife updates december 2020
15 December 2020
The year 2020 was a difficult one for ROC-POPLife, which had to severely reduce its field activities due to the lockdown and restrictions imposed by the pandemic. Despite the difficulties, however, all the partners have tried to maintain a high level of attention to the project, continuing the activities on the installations, and promoting the […]
ROC-POPLife Updates April 2020
10 April 2020
ROC-POPLife Update 2020 Since the last monitoring on December 2019, no other monitoring or field activity has been carried out due to the public health emergency of the Covid-19 for Cinque Terre MPA in the first months. The monitoring and maintenance activities of the transplant sites in the Miramare MPA were carried out, also taking […]
ROC-POPLife Updates Nov19
29 November 2019
Winter maintenance of the Miramare outplants. Plants are healthy and safe from grazing. We are continously monitoring the installations. Winter is here now, but we’re ready.
ROC-POPLife Udates
5 September 2019
In the Northern Adriatic the restoration of Cystoseira s.l. is a major challenge (i.e. sedimentation, grazing, heat waves). But #RocPopLife succeeded! This represent an important essay to test the restoration in a global changes scenario.
2019 ROC-POPLife Activities Summer
30 August 2019
A great summer for ROC-POPLife activities On 2nd and 16th July two didactic workshops were held for children at the “Lago Figoi” summer center in the Genoese hinterland. In all, around 90 children were involved.
2019 ROC-POPLife Activities Spring-Summer
30 May 2019
10th April: Presentation of the MPA and its projects (including ROC-POPLife) at “Nicoloso da Recco” Highschool in front of about 100 students.
2019 First ROC-POPLife Activities
30 January 2019
Here the most relevant activities for ROC-POPLife The 30 January at the Museum of Natural History of Trieste a photographic exhibition titled “Alghe e nuovi fondali del Golfo di Trieste” will be inaugurated where the ROCPOPLife activities and results are presented.
ROCPOPLife project: activities of the first year
28 December 2018
The ROCPOPLife project: an update on the activities of the first year The first year of the ROCPOPLife project has been fruitful, despite climate changes have severely hampered our efforts. The protocol for the ex situ cultivation of Cystoseira amentacea var. stricta has been produced, and, in the Cinque Terre Marine Protected Area (MPA), the […]