NewsPress release

IlPiccolo e ROC-POPLife

ROC-POPLife two years and half of hard work….

After two and a half years of work, the European project ROC-POPLife is reaping the rewards of what it sowed. In the Trieste Marine Reserve, marine forests are being repopulated with an important algae: the Cystoseira, a brown algae at risk of extinction taken from the Strunjan Park in Slovenia. The project involves two universities, Trieste and Genoa, and four marine protected areas: Miramare, Cinque Terre, Portofino and Strunjan.


Dopo due anni e mezzo di lavoro il progetto europeo ROC-POPLife, sta raccogliendo i frutti di quanto seminato. Nella…

Posted by Il Piccolo on Wednesday, 25 March 2020